manesco university
manesco women
racial inclusion
institutional partnerships
partner offices
Partner offices

Due to the excellent reputation and expertise achieved by their performance and the need to offer legal services to their clients in other countries or in association with other foreign offices, Manesco, Ramires, Perez, Azevedo Marques have partnership with several international offices.

Sérvulo & Associados Sociedade de Advogados RL
64 Garrett Street 
1200-204 - Lisbon - Portugal 
Phone: 351 210 933 000 
Fax: 351 210 933 001 
E-mail: geral@servulo.com

Manesco São Paulo
São Paulo
+ 55 11 3068.4700

Ed. Santa Catarina
Av. Paulista, 287,
7° andar
01311-000, São Paulo, SP Brasil
Manesco Brasília
+ 55 61 3223.7895

Ed. Terra Brasilis
SAUS, Quadra 1, Bloco N,
sala 509 - 5º andar
70070-941 Brasília, DF Brasil
Manesco Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
+ 55 21 2263.6041

Avenida Rio Branco, 01,
sala 2006, Centro
20090-003, Rio de Janeiro, RJ