Maís Moreno
Maís Moreno
Rio de Janeiro/RJ
+55 (21) 99524-1654

Executive training in Infrastructure in a Market Economy: PPP in a Changing World, at Harvard Kennedy School, in 2019                           

Master’s  degree in State Law, from the Universidade de São Paulo(USP), in 2016 

Law degree from the Pontificia Universidade Católica (PUC-São Paulo), with part of the course subjects taken at the University of Bologna, in 2008.

Maís Moreno

Administrative and Regulatory Law. She has been working for over 15 years as a consultant for public and private entities, focusing on the structuring and management of infrastructure projects.

She is a member of the Electoral Observatory Commission of OAB/SP, is an ambassador of the Harvard Kennedy School Women’s Network in Brazil, and is a counselor for the Business Initiative for Equality.

Internationally certified professional (CP³P–F) since 2019.


Lawyer with a master's degree in State Law from the University of São Paulo (USP) and specialized in Infrastructure by the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS). Her professional engagement is grounded in a consistent commitment to gender and racial equity, being responsible for the Diversity Committees of the firm, recognized by the UN as a leader in the sector.

Worked on legal modeling (PMI, MIP, and direct action for government and multilateral entities): concession in Conservation Units - BNDES (GO and MS), federal highways - BNDES, state highways - BNDES (GO, RS, and RJ), forests - BNDES (SC and PR), daycare centers - BNDES (AL); urban road link Transolímpica (RJ); metro of Salvador-Lauro de Freitas (BA); Line 6-Orange of the metro (SP); social interest housing (SP); BRT of Sorocaba (SP); shopping circuit (SP); Fernão Dias logistics complex (SP); Olympic legacy (RJ); sewage system (RJ); concessions and PPPs in conservation units - Ilha Grande (RJ).

In the field of contract management and claims for rebalancing, she worked on: municipal schools (RJ); municipal hospitals (RJ); Olympic Park (RJ), Transbrasil (RJ), COMPERJ, and RNEST; federal parks.

Published the book "The Participation of the Administered in the Process of Elaboration of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Contracts," by Editora Fórum, in 2019, which is currently sold out.

In the "Advocacy Analysis Woman 2023", she was mentioned as one of the most admired lawyers in the regulatory specialty and for her performance in the economic sector of transportation and logistics, also being remembered among the outstanding professionals in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Elected by Editorial Analysis, in 2017, in the category "Most Admired Lawyers in Brazil".

A nationally recognized lawyer in the Infrastructure and Regulatory sector.

A regionally recognized lawyer in the State of Rio de Janeiro.

• The Participation of the Managed in the Process of Drafting PPP Contracts - Editora Fórum, 2019 • Fernando de Noronha: Cheaper is not always better • Procedure for Expression of Interest (PMI) in State-owned companies • Regulation: Concession in protected areas • Protection of environmental areas and private entrepreneurship • Five years of Manesco in Rio de Janeiro • Partnerships for housing • A new beginning for Brazil-China relations • Women in the Three Powers • TCU endorses the concession of national forests in the southern region • Meeting discusses the role of women in politics • City Hall of Rio will make concession of Municipal Parks • Muito além do voto secreto no STF • A Lei de Equidade Salarial nos contratos públicos • A Igualdade racial em projetos de infraestrutura estrangeiros

Recognized as a practice head in the Projects & Infrastructure area in the Legal 500 2025 Guide, an area in which Manesco occupies Tier 4 in the ranking. In the "Análise Advocacia Mulher 2023", she was mentioned as one of the most admired lawyers in the regulatory specialty and for her performance in the economic sector of transportation and logistics, also being remembered among the outstanding professionals in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Elected by Análise Editorial, in 2017, in the category "Most Admired Lawyers in Brazil".

National reference lawyer in the Infrastructure and Regulatory sector.

Regional reference lawyer in the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Manesco São Paulo
São Paulo
+ 55 11 3068.4700

Ed. Santa Catarina
Av. Paulista, 287,
7° andar
01311-000, São Paulo, SP Brasil
Manesco Brasília
+ 55 61 3223.7895

Ed. Terra Brasilis
SAUS, Quadra 1, Bloco N,
sala 509 - 5º andar
70070-941 Brasília, DF Brasil
Manesco Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
+ 55 21 2263.6041

Avenida Rio Branco, 01,
sala 2006, Centro
20090-003, Rio de Janeiro, RJ