Julia Duprat Ruggeri
Julia Duprat Ruggeri
São Paulo/SP
+55 (11) 3068-4700

Master in Administrative Law from the University of São Paulo (USP), in progress.

Law degree from the University of São Paulo (USP), in 2019

Julia Duprat Ruggeri

Administrative and Regulatory Law. Works in administrative and judicial litigation, especially in the sponsorship of companies and individuals in public civil actions, popular actions, administrative improbity actions, writs of mandamus involving bidding procedures, public tenders, disciplinary procedures and administrative contracts,
in addition to civil inquiries and administrative disciplinary proceedings.


She has performed in the sponsorship of individuals and legal entities in popular, public civil and improbity actions, as well as in the defense of public agents and companies hired by the Public Administration.

• http://manesco.com.br/ler-litteraexpress/743 • http://manesco.com.br/ler-litteraexpress/746 • STJ authorizes the conclusion of a civil non-persecution agreement in the appeal phase • New bidding law could expand use of the pregão, brazilian bidding modality • AGU regulates non-prosecution agreement on administrative misconduct • New administrative improbity law resumes the concept of improbity as a dishonest act • STF understands that illegal evidence cannot be used in administrative proceedings

Author of the Final Essay nominated for the Young Jurist Award. Title: The emptying of the concept of deceit in the application of article 11 of the Administrative Improbity Law.

Manesco São Paulo
São Paulo
+ 55 11 3068.4700

Ed. Santa Catarina
Av. Paulista, 287,
7° andar
01311-000, São Paulo, SP Brasil
Manesco Brasília
+ 55 61 3223.7895

Ed. Terra Brasilis
SAUS, Quadra 1, Bloco N,
sala 509 - 5º andar
70070-941 Brasília, DF Brasil
Manesco Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
+ 55 21 2263.6041

Avenida Rio Branco, 01,
sala 2006, Centro
20090-003, Rio de Janeiro, RJ