José Roberto Manesco
José Roberto Manesco
São Paulo/SP
+55 (11) 3068-4700

Law degree from the University of São Paulo (USP), in 1980.

José Roberto Manesco

Administrative and Constitutional Law. He is a founding partner of the firm. He has extensive experience in judicial and administrative proceedings, especially with the Public Finance Courts and the State Court of Auditors. He offers consultancy and legal assistance services in the area of Public Law for various bodies and entities.


He was an effective advisor to the OAB/SP for 9 years.
Legal advice for the Faculty Association of the Federal University of São Carlos - ADUFSCAR.
Legal advice for the Teachers' Association of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - ADUNESP.
Legal assistance to the Water and Sewage Department of the Municipality of Jundiaí.
Legal advice for the Municipal Urbanization Company of São José dos Campos - URBAM.
Legal advice for the Ubatuba Tourism Company – COMTUR.
Legal advice for Sociedade de Abastecimento de Águas de Campinas S.A - SANASA.
Legal advice for DERSA – Desenvolvimento Rodoviário S.A.
Legal advice for PROGUARU – Progresso e Desenvolvimento de Guarulhos S.A.
Legal advice for Caçapava City Hall.
Legal advice for the Municipality of Mauá.
Legal advice for the Municipality of Jacareí.

• São Paulo tries to reduce the queue of judiciary bonds • Should the Tax on Services (ISS) be charged on arbitration fees? • Judgment recognizes the legitimacy of the Order to act in impropriety actions against the Law Firm

Recognized by Who's Who Legal as Thought Leader, National Leader and Recommended in the area of Administrative Litigation in 2022.

Manesco São Paulo
São Paulo
+ 55 11 3068.4700

Ed. Santa Catarina
Av. Paulista, 287,
7° andar
01311-000, São Paulo, SP Brasil
Manesco Brasília
+ 55 61 3223.7895

Ed. Terra Brasilis
SAUS, Quadra 1, Bloco N,
sala 509 - 5º andar
70070-941 Brasília, DF Brasil
Manesco Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
+ 55 21 2263.6041

Avenida Rio Branco, 01,
sala 2006, Centro
20090-003, Rio de Janeiro, RJ