Weekly Newsletter produced by Manesco law office with articles and relevant information.
JANUARY, 30 - 2024
nº 908
Infrastructure Debentures: PL 2,646/2020 and its incentives for the sector
Raul Felipe Borelli
by Raul Felipe Borelli

Article originally published on JOTA

PL 2,646/2020, recently approved by the National Congress and forwarded for presidential sanction, adds new incentives for financing projects of relevant interest in Brazil.

The law will enable specific purpose companies, concessionaires, permit holders, authorizers or lessees, constituted in the form of a joint stock company, to issue debentures subject to public distribution to raise funds to be used for the implementation of investment projects in the area of infrastructure or intensive economic production in research, development and innovation considered as priorities in the form to be regulated by the federal Executive Branch.

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