Weekly Newsletter produced by Manesco law office with articles and relevant information.
JANUARY, 24 - 2022
nº 814
Exclusivity of the MP for action of improbity is questioned
(Foto: Pixabay)
Lucas Cherem de Camargo Rodrigues
by Lucas Cherem de Camargo Rodrigues

Law 14,230/21, which amended the Administrative Improbity Law, removed Public Administration entities as legitimate to file lawsuits for liability for an act of administrative improbity. Since the publication of the law, these actions can only be proposed by the Public Ministry. A period of one year was established for the MP to express interest in taking over the ongoing actions filed by the Public Treasury. Without this provision, the process will be terminated.

The National Association of State and Federal District Attorneys (Anape) filed a direct action of unconstitutionality against this provision (ADI 7042). The rapporteur is Minister Alexandre de Moraes.
The exclusion of the Union, States, Federal District, Municipalities and the bodies of indirect administration as a legitimate party for bringing the action was one of the most controversial points of the law. Therefore, the submission of the topic to the STF was already foreseen.

Autonomy of regulatory agencies and democratic surplus
Sede da Anvisa (foto: Agência Brasil)

Desde que foram introduzidas no Brasil, as Agências Reguladoras geram muitas discussões acerca de sua autonomia, sendo vistas até como inconstitucionais ou neoliberais. Com o passar do tempo, elas foram se afirmando e, em 2019, foi sancionado o Novo Marco Legal das Agências Reguladoras (Lei 13.848/21).

No entanto, durante a pandemia, essa autonomia demonstrou-se fundamental para poupar vidas. A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) foi capaz de tomar medidas para conter a pandemia, mesmo sem a autorização do chefe do executivo, como autorizar o uso emergencial das vacinas, recomendar a obrigatoriedade vacinal para ingressantes e, recentemente, autorizar a vacinação infantil.

O advogado Floriano Azevedo Marques comenta sobre o assunto no texto “Autonomia das agências reguladoras e superávit democrático”, publicado pelo Jota.

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