Weekly Newsletter produced by Manesco law office with articles and relevant information.
MARCH, 29 - 2021
nº 774
New bidding law could expand use of the pregão, brazilian bidding modality
(Foto: Pixabay)
Lucas Cherem de Camargo Rodrigues
by Lucas Cherem de Camargo Rodrigues
Julia Duprat Ruggeri
by Julia Duprat Ruggeri

The New Bidding Law may further expand (the already widespread) use of the "pregão", a brazilian bidding modality by the Public Administration. The risk, however, is that the use of the "pregão" will be adopted for complex tenders, which are manifestly incompatible with the criteria of judgment of "best price" and "greatest discount" that the text provides. This can be a problem because pricing (the act of defining a quantifiable amount for the purchase of products or services) is not a simple task and the Public Administration usually adopts the minimum boundary period between the date of publication of the notice and the presentation of proposals by the bidders. In the case of the "pregão", the term will be eight working days for goods and services and ten working days for contracting engineering services. The deadline is short and insufficient for complex pricing.

Wind farm constrained-off reimbursement is regulated by ANEEL
Parque eólico em Beuvraignes, França (Foto: Rodrigo Rodi)
Mariana Magalhães Avelar
by Mariana Magalhães Avelar


ESG in the infrastructure sector: challenges and opportunities
(Foto: divulgação)


Outra boa novidade da lei de contratações públicas
(Foto: Pixabay)










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