Weekly Newsletter produced by Manesco law office with articles and relevant information.
FEBRUARY, 15 - 2021
nº 768
My data has been leaked, what now?
(Foto: Pixabay)

The leakage of personal data from more than 220 million Brazilians puts us at risk of attempted scams and fraud, against which there are still insufficient guarantees of protection. The risks of losses resulting from fraud, however, do not only affect individuals who have been victimized by the leak, but also all businesses that operate digital transactions whose security routines will have to recognize the circumstance of the leak and employ due diligence to prevent fraud against its customers under penaulty of being called to answer for the security breach as a risk of the business itself - the internal accident.

The press recently reported a major leak of personal data. It includes information such as personal document numbers, dates of birth, telephone numbers, credit standards, income statements, among sensitive personal identification data. This all happens about six months after the entry into force of the LGPD (General Data Protection Law), which came into force in august 2020.

So far, the source of the leaked data has not yet been identified, which makes direct liability for collective damage difficult. Those who had their information released are exposed to a situation of vulnerability.

Moradia em tempos de pandemia
Vista aérea da cidade de São Paulo (Foto: Pixabay)


Tribunal rejeita ação contra o ex-governador Alberto Goldman
Construção do Rodoanel Leste (Foto: Marcelo Almeida/Rodovias&Vias - fev.2014)


ANTT aprova regras para contratos de concessão rodoviários
(Foto: Pixabay)


InfraChallenge 2021








Manesco São Paulo
São Paulo
+ 55 11 3068.4700

Ed. Santa Catarina
Av. Paulista, 287,
7° andar
01311-000, São Paulo, SP Brasil
Manesco Brasília
+ 55 61 3223.7895

Ed. Terra Brasilis
SAUS, Quadra 1, Bloco N,
sala 509 - 5º andar
70070-941 Brasília, DF Brasil
Manesco Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
+ 55 21 2263.6041

Avenida Rio Branco, 01,
sala 2006, Centro
20090-003, Rio de Janeiro, RJ