Weekly Newsletter produced by Manesco law office with articles and relevant information.
FEBRUARY, 01 - 2021
nº 766
Open access fiber: a path to the future of broadband
(Foto: Pixabay)
Caio Abreu Dias de Moura
by Caio Abreu Dias de Moura

“Open access fiber” is meant by all the infrastructure capable of supporting the provision of telecommunication services and that are not owned by agents that also provide this kind of service to the end user.  Its use is costly offered by the holder to all the effective providers of the services. This assignment must be carried out with isonomy and no discrimination. For this reason it is called 'open' or 'neutral'.

In Brazil, the theme has gained recent relevance, with news about the interest of different players on investing in this infrastructure, which may increase the fixed broadband service in the Country.

Brazil: Public Procurement

The Legal 500 published the 2021 edition of "The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides: Public Procurement". The comparative country guide on public procurement provides a pragmatic overview of the laws and regulations of public procurement in different countries. The guide provides information on government procurement laws, complex contracts, bid evaluation and common challenges.

Manesco and lawyers Marcos Augusto Perez and Anna Beatriz Savioli sign the chapter on Brazil, including information on the New Bidding Law, already approved by the Federal Senate and pending presidential sanction.

La garantia soy yo: precatórios e execução de dívidas de contratos públicos
(Foto: Pixabay)


A pandemia da COVID-19 e suas consequências no âmbito das contratações públicas
(Foto: Unsplash)


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