Airports and Aviation
Anti-Corruption and Misconduct
Arbitration and Mediation
Competition Law and Antitrust
Electric Power
Health and Life Sciences
Infrastructure and Projects
Judicial Contentious
Legislative and regulatory advocacy
Local Governments
Maritime and Port
Oil & Gas
Public Law and Regulation
Sanitation and Environmental
Socially impactful partnerships and urban regulations
Urban Mobility and Transportation

Transportation of persons and cargo is an essential sector in a continental Country in full development process, to which high public and private investments have been channeled.

The firm has been providing services, for more than twenty years, in the advisory and litigation area for government entities, regulatory agencies, construction companies, designers, highway concessionaires and companies of the sector in general terms.

In the sphere of transports and highways, Manesco has provided services, for over twenty years, in the advisory and litigation area to government entities and companies of the sector.

Among the many jobs carried out during this period, we can list legal assistance in bidding processes and in the execution and management of contracts; legal consultancy in modeling concession contracts and PPP, including the study of their environmental characteristics, solutions for allocating the risk of expropriation and eviction, alternatives for allocating risks and responsibilities related to environmental licensing; the preparation of claims for the economic-financial rebalancing of these contracts; legal representation of lawsuits claiming contractual damages against the contracting government; advice on supervening risks in concession contracts, as well as on the renegotiation of these contracts; advice on the securitization of public credits, committed between the concessionaire and the public power; consultancy for the review of the sector's regulatory framework and risk assessment in the acquisition of concessionaires in the sector.

Advice on bidding for the concession of the Raposo Tavares Corridor.
Legal representation in administrative proceedings initiated by ARTESP (Transport Agency of the state of São Paulo), aiming at the annulment of an amendment to the concession contract of a state highway (São Paulo).
Legal modeling, within the scope of PMI, of the concession for the implementation and operation of the Transolympic Connection (Rio de Janeiro/RJ).
Structuring of concession project of stretches of the Federal Highways BR040, BR116 AND BR381 (DF and MG).
Advice on the concession contract bidding of the Road System Raposo-Castelo (SP) and concession of the Road System Anhanguera-Bandeirantes (São Paulo).
Advice on environmental issues related to the duplication works of Padre Manuel da Nobrega Highway (São Paulo).
Advice on the auction of the 2nd round of Concession Lots of Federal highways.
Legal advice on the modification, from common concession to sponsored concession, of the contract of Carvalho Pinto Highway (São Paulo).
Advice on PPP bidding of the Highway SP 099 ? Tamoios (São Paulo).
Legal advice on aspects related to RDC/DNIT, involving the implementation and pavement works of the BR-163/PA.
Legal modeling of concession for recovery and operation of road system.
Advice on economic and financial balance of the concession contract of state highway and elaboration of rebalancing claim.
Advice on transferring the operation of the road system.
Advising on the structuring of the highway concession program in the State of Rio Grande do Sul
Advice on ARTESP tenders
Assistance to the BNDES Project Factory in the structuring of highway concession projects with ANTT and several state entities
Advice on the contractual management of Rodovia RSC 287
Analysis of contractual risks in the Concession of Lot Centro Oeste Paulista
Assistance in the negotiation of Conduct Adjustment Terms with ANTT
Assistance in the negotiation of Conduct Adjustment Terms with ANTT
Defense in administrative proceedings in the Liability Assessment Process filed in highway concessions in Paraná
Advice on ANTT Ordinary Review processes
Defense in application processes of the Rebalancing Discount (Factor D) by ANTT
Advising AGERBA on reviews of its regulatory framework
Advising ABCR on strategic issues in the highway sector
Manesco São Paulo
São Paulo
+ 55 11 3068.4700

Ed. Santa Catarina
Av. Paulista, 287,
7° andar
01311-000, São Paulo, SP Brasil
Manesco Brasília
+ 55 61 3223.7895

Ed. Terra Brasilis
SAUS, Quadra 1, Bloco N,
sala 509 - 5º andar
70070-941 Brasília, DF Brasil
Manesco Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
+ 55 21 2263.6041

Avenida Rio Branco, 01,
sala 2006, Centro
20090-003, Rio de Janeiro, RJ